Why the delay on HOV lanes?

Prior to the Prop One vote in 2008, Sound Transit promised “Travel times across 1-90 for vehicles would also improve or remain similar with East Link.” East Link would add a fourth lane for HOV traffic to the outer bridges to make up for the center bridge closure for light rail.


Prior to the Prop One vote in 2008, Sound Transit promised “Travel times across 1-90 for vehicles would also improve or remain similar with East Link.” East Link would add a fourth lane for HOV traffic to the outer bridges to make up for the center bridge closure for light rail.

The Washington State Department of Transportation presumably has the responsibility for certifying the modified outer bridge has adequate capacity for current and future vehicular traffic before allowing ST to shut down the center bridge.

Common sense would dictate that Sound Transit and the DOT work together to quickly demonstrate the modified outer bridges meet these requirements. An early bridge modification immediately eases the congestion cross-lake commuters have already endured for far too long. An early DOT certification of the modified outer bridges’ capacity for future vehicle traffic minimizes money spent on light rail if the resulting congestion is excessive.

Yet, their current East Link plan delays adding the HOV lanes until at least 2015. Both organizations should be asked to explain the delay.

Bill Hirt, Bellevue