Bellevue students raise nearly $6,500 for Leukemia and Lymphoma

Two Newport High School sophomores, Nathan Hemphill and Jonathan Newman, helped raise nearly $6,500 for Leukemia and Lymphoma by leading the Seattle Stride team in the Big Climb in downtown Seattle on Sunday.

The two have climbed for several years on teams sponsored by Jonathan’s father, Nolan Newman, and his company, Newman Dierst Hales (CPAs). The boys have been friends since birth.

This year they decided to form their own team. It was in part to hone their leadership skills. And it was in part because Nathan’s cousin, Sara Flash, (parents Ed and Allison Flash of Newcastle) was diagnosed in October with non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. Sara is doing well now after undergoing treatment

and went back to school in March.

Team Seattle Stride signed up 50 members. Many were other Newport High School students. Others were family and friends.

Both boys plan to carry on the tradition next year and well into the future.