Taxable retail sales up in Bellevue

Bellevue saw a notable increase in taxable retail sales and retail trade during the second quarter of 2012, compared with the same period in 2011, the state's Department of Revenue reported Friday.

Bellevue saw a notable increase in taxable retail sales and retail trade during the second quarter of 2012, compared with the same period in 2011, the state’s Department of Revenue reported Friday.

Retail trade, including all taxable retail sales except industries such as services and construction, went up by 13.7 percent, to $636 million-the highest percentage growth out of all of the state’s top five cities with the most sales.

Retail sales were up 7.2 percent to $1.3 billion.

The only other city, out of the state’s top five with a larger percentage increase was Seattle, which went up by 10.3 percent to $4.3 billion.

Locally, major industries that did well include:

– Electronics and appliances, up 72.7 percent to $94 million,

– New and used auto dealers, up 10.2 percent to $190 million,

– Apparel and accessories, up 9.8 percent to $113 million, and

– Accommodations and food services, up 8.2 percent to $146 million.

Construction was one of the hardest hit local industries, down 10.8 percent to about $127 million.

Smaller industries with dramatic movement included:

– Manufacturing, down 22.1 percent to $17 million,

– Bookstores, down 15.7 percent to $2.5 million, and

– Utilities, up 139.9 percent to $776 million.

Across the state, taxable retail sales increased 4.7 percent to $26.8 billion.

Among major industries, statewide:

– Construction was up 7 percent to $3.9 billion,

– Accommodations and food services increased 5.4 percent to $3.2 billion,

– Motor vehicles and parts rose 12.9 percent to $2.9 billion, and

– General merchandise stores were up 2.1 percent to $2.4 billion.