Bellevue a great place for life, work, career | Janet Taylor | Publisher’s Note

Bellevue is an amazing place and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to live and work here. Today is my last day at Sound Publishing and I will be entering into that curious world of retirement.

By Janet Taylor

Bellevue is an amazing place and I feel blessed to have had the opportunity to live and work here. Today is my last day at Sound Publishing and I will be entering into that curious world of retirement.

I have spent 26 years in the newspaper business and I’m not sure I can remember a day that I have been bored with my work.

I have been fortunate to have worked alongside talented editors and excellent sales professionals. I learned from controllers, human resource managers and pressmen who crank out a newspaper on a regular basis. I’ve have been entrenched in the digital world and still love to see a newspaper on the porch.

The most rewarding part of the job has been the people. People are the news whether they work for you or are running for office. The opinions and actions of people are what create diversity of thought; this is what kept me going day after day.

Sound Publishing is a stellar company to work for. They have quietly grown into one of the largest media companies in the Pacific Northwest. Our suburban news teams cover and report local news in more depth than the major dailies within the same region. I have been proud to be part of the Sound Publishing Family.

My husband, Hank, and I plan to stay here. We moved here four years ago from Montana and have fallen in love with everything the Northwest has to offer – except for the snow. I do miss the dry powder of Montana and am grateful half of my family still lives there so I can frequent my favorite Montana ski hills all winter long.

This spring and summer I plan to focus on my family and kill every slug in my garden. I want to paint the inside of my house and play the piano everyday. I’ll be reading the news and putting my skills to work to help others. I am looking forward to the journey.

Thank you for reading the Bellevue Reporter. Thank you for your thoughts, your opinions, your actions. Thank you for making Bellevue such a great place to live and work.

Janet Taylor is publisher of the Bellevue Reporter