Dino Rossi has conceded the election for U.S. Senator to incumbent Patty Murray.
The victory for Murray, a Democrat, will give her a fourth term in the U.S. Senate.
Rossi reportedly conceded at about 6 p.m. Thursday after trailing Murray during much of the vote count.
As of Thursday evening, Murray was leading Rossi by more than 45,000 votes. On election day Rossi trailed Murray by 14,000 votes.
In a statement released to the press, Rossi said he “ran for the Senate because I believe we need a basic course correction from where Washington, D.C., has been taking us and to make sure this country is as free, as strong and as prosperous in the future as it has been in the past to preserve the best of America for future generations.”
Rossi added that he hoped both political parties would work together in the next few years to solve the country’s problems, especially the economy and massive federal debt.
Murray’s victory means that the Democrats will keep control of the U.S. Senate
This was Rossi’s third statewide defeat. He lost twice to Gov. Chris Gregoire.
Rossi live in Sammamish.