To celebrate the start of construction for the 11,000 square foot Newcastle Library, a groundbreaking event will be held at 3:45 p.m. Oct. 20, at the site of the new library, located at 12901 Newcastle Way.
With gold shovels in hand, local dignitaries will join KCLS Director Bill Ptacek in breaking ground. With small shovels of their own, children wearing miniature hard hats also will take part in the ceremony. Musical entertainment will be provided by the 60-member Tyee Middle School Wind Ensemble.
Construction of the new library is part of the $172 million capital bond, approved by voters to fund major upkeep and expansion of KCLS libraries. The new library will include a community meeting room, children’s and teen areas and space for studying and reading.
The King County Library System is currently the second busiest Library System in the U.S., circulating more than 21 million items annually through its 46 community libraries.