Election renews faith

The outcome of this election has renewed my faith in America.


The outcome of this election has renewed my faith in America. The demographics of the country are changing rapidly and because of this both the public and private sectors are going to have to recognize that policies must take into account the needs and aspirations of all groups.

I am very concerned that the Republicans are taking the wrong lessons from the fact that they were able to hold on the House, ignoring once again the concerns the public is expressing about the need to make decisions based on what is good for the country. For them to have signed a pledge not to raise taxes on the very wealthy is proof positive that they are not working in the best interest of the people but for the interest of those who have financed their campaigns.

Finally I hope the media has learned a lesson from this election. They have the greatest esponsibility of all to see to it that the public in fact has access to facts and not propaganda.

George Whitaker, Bellevue