Real facts on liquor

If we are to believe the current ads opposing I-1100, just the act of having the state get out of the business of selling liquor is the greatest threat to public safety that our state has ever seen. DUI’s will increase. highway deaths will skyrocket. Mini-markets will be selling hard alcohol all night long.

Too bad that none of this is true. In fact, our public safety is at greater risk because the state of Washington sells alcohol because the regulator cannot regulate itself.

If we don’t want minors selling alcohol, the State Liquor Control Board needs to set regulations that forbid it, and punish those outlets caught doing it. They need to increase their enforcement, which is their job. If we don’t want mini-marts selling alcohol all night, let the regulations reflect it.

But it won’t happen as long as the state of Washington is the one selling the product. The pressure is to sell, not to regulate. Our children are dying because our state makes it a priority to sell alcohol, rather than to regulate alcohol.

Janet Suppes, Bellevue