Newcastle joins Eastside food drive

The city of Newcastle is joining forces with six other Eastside cities to collect donations for local food banks and emergency feeding programs. The “Eastside Month of Concern for the Hungry” campaign runs now through Oct. 24.

Newcastle residents are urged to drop off the following donations in the lobby of Newcastle City Hall (13020 Newcastle Way) during regular business hours:

Peanut Butter (18 oz plastic jars)

Canned corn, peas, green beans, diced tomatoes

Canned peaches, pineapple, fruit cocktail

Canned pineapple and tomato juice (48 oz.)

Canned beef stew (24 oz.)

Canned pork & beans

Canned lunch meat (SPAM)

Canned tuna

Canned soup

Canned chili

1 qt envelopes powdered milk

Vegetable oil (24 oz.)

Snack pudding

Macaroni & cheese

Jars of baby food (1st and 2nd foods only)

Dried pasta

The donated food will be taken to several locations including the Emergency Feeding Program of King County.

On the Eastside, requests for food at local food banks are up almost 50 percent compared to 18 months ago. While the need is surging, donations have been trending downward. More information is available
