Ardmore kindergartners introduced to programming through ‘Angry Birds’

This week, Ardmore Elementary students were introduced to basic video game programming, and the Bellevue School District has posted an adorable video and article about one Kindergarten class's experience.

This week, Ardmore Elementary students were introduced to basic video game programming, and the Bellevue School District has posted an adorable video and article about one Kindergarten class’s experience.

Students in Sherry Kraft’s kindergarten class were asked to solve a computer maze featuring characters from ‘Angry Birds,’ a popular casual video game. They navigated their birds by dragging and dropping directional instructions in the program.

But, as they were told after completing the assignment, the students were actually programming themselves. The maze was a visual compiler converting GUI input into JavaScript, used to demonstrate the concept of feeding a computer instructions in the correct order.

The lesson, taught to Kraft’s class by school Instructional Curriculum Technology Leader Cheri Bartleson, was part of the international “Hour of Code” campaign from Seattle nonprofit The purpose of the campaign is to introduce computer science into schools’ core curriculum.

Fourth and fifth graders were given a slightly more complex activity featuring characters from “Plants vs. Zombies.”