Vote for our interests – not yours


Have pity on us rich folks.

You have NO IDEA how expensive it is to maintain our yachts, second homes, and private jets. Plus, we have to pay advisers to manage our investments.

Sure, we pay much less in taxes as a percentage of income than the middle class. Sure, tax rates are lower than they’ve been in decades. Sure, most of our income is exempt from social security taxes. Sure, the tax rate for capital gains is lower than for earned income. Sure, in recent decades there’s been a huge transfer of wealth upwards. Sure, states are slashing programs. Sure, Washington state has one of the most regressive tax systems in the nation. Sure, we own Congress and Olympia.

But we deserve it! We worked so hard, we’re smart, and we’re kind. It wouldn’t be fair to take away what we have. Besides, you, too, might be rich some day.

So be sure to vote against I-1098 (the initiative to lower taxes for the middle class and impose a high earner’s income tax) and keep the rich rich!

Donald A. Smith (on behalf of my rich neighbors), Bellevue