Elections have consequences. So said Barack Obama eight years ago. We just had another one. And the gnashing of teeth, pulling of hair and biting of wrists can be heard all around liberal land. I have something to say to this (besides suck it up, buttercup) and that is, welcome to my world of the last eight years.
Frankly, I’m euphoric that Donald Trump is president-elect. When else in history has a president-elect had enough influence to make a major manufacturer,(Ford) bring jobs back from Mexico? And you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.
Demonstrations are fine — to a point. However, when they interfere with traffic, particularly emergency traffic, or when there is mass vandalism and looting then they should be stopped. Free speech should not be used as an excuse for bullying, intimidation and assault. This is a distinction that Obama has never made and he never will. If you want to see the difference between a Black Lives Matter and a Tea Party demonstration just look at before and after pictures of the landscape.
One, (Black Lives Matter) looks like a garbage dump. The other (Tea Party) is actually cleaner than before. This typifies the difference in philosophy between the two organizations: let the government do it, to let’s do it for ourselves. Guess which group was invited to the Obama White House?
There will be no “traditional” period of grace by the “mainstream media” for Donald Trump to settle in. They have been proved wrong in their polls, their predictions and just plain wrong in their reporting. They have enough egg on their collective faces to make an omelet. They will look for every bloody hatchet they can find to swing at President Trump. It’s for sure that after eight years under the incompetent Obama, Trump has a very easy act to follow. And the direction for the U.S.A. is nowhere to go but up.
Denny Andrews