Fire your cartoonist

In this era of deep recession, cartoonist Frank Shiers sees fit to blame the unemployed for the shortage of available jobs. On behalf of everyone out there who has been desperately searching for work, ANY work, I say shame on you, Mr. Shiers.

In this era of deep recession, cartoonist Frank Shiers sees fit to blame the unemployed for the shortage of available jobs. On behalf of everyone out there who has been desperately searching for work, ANY work, I say shame on you, Mr. Shiers.

What’s next, holding the homeless cats (page 1, CAT-astrophy) responsible for the lack of homes?

I can think of an excellent way to teach Mr. Shiers a bit of compassion – fire him. I’m sure there are plenty more talented and clued-in cartoonists clamoring for such an opportunity.

Evelyn Andrews, Bellevue