Robinson best for Bellevue City Council

As a former mayor of Bellevue, I know firsthand how important it is to be rooted in our local community in order to get things done for our city. Bellevue deserves a city councilmember invested in our city. We deserve Lynne Robinson.


As a former mayor of Bellevue, I know firsthand how important it is to be rooted in our local community in order to get things done for our city. That is why I have been frustrated by Vandana Slatter’s campaign for City Council.

Although she claims she can lead Bellevue forward, her campaign seems to be rooted in Seattle. Over $30,000 of the $40,000 she has raised has come from donors outside of Bellevue, and the majority of the individuals she lists as endorsers live in Seattle. Even her latest campaign mailer features a Seattle family next to text about understanding Bellevue families.

Bellevue deserves a city councilmember invested in our city. We deserve Lynne Robinson.

Nan Campbell, Bellevue