Two author interviews will be held in March at the Bellevue Regional Library.
Journalist Terry Tazioli will interview Martin Burwash at 7 p.m. Monday, March 22. Burwash is author of “Vis Major: Railroad Men, An Act of God – White Death at Wellington,” an historical novel about the 1910 Stevens Pass avalanche that swept two trains down a mountain and buried them under 400 feet of snow, rocks and trees.
Tazioli will interview Tim Egan at 7 p.m. Monday, March 29. Egan is author of “The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire That Saved America,” an account of a 1910 forest fire, the largest in American history, that burned an area the size of the state of Connecticut in a weekend – and may well have saved the newly formed U.S. Forest Service.
The library is located at 1111 110th Ave. NE.