
SuperHumn Skinny Signal Complex: A Comprehensive Review of Its Weight Loss Benefits

Skinny Signal Complex is a new weight loss supplement created by SuperHumn.

As part of a 2024 promotion, Skinny Signal Complex is available for just $59 per tub – a steep discount from the ordinary retail price of $149.

In our review, you will learn everything you need to know about Skinny Signal Complex and how it works today.

What is Skinny Signal Complex?

Skinny Signal Complex is a powdered nutritional supplement to help anyone lose weight.

The supplement was created based on research by Dr. Steven Hruby, who claims to have discovered a “skinny signal.”

According to Dr. Hruby’s research, diet and exercise aren’t always the answer to weight loss. Instead, one of the best ways to lose weight is to take a “Skinny Signal reactivator” formula. Reactivating the Skinny Signal could help you “drop 42 pounds of stubborn fat in next to no time,” according to the official website.

Skinny Signal Complex is exclusively available through SkinnySignalBreakthrough.com. Normally priced at $149 per tub, the supplement is available for just $59 per tub or less through a 2024 promotion.


Skinny Signal Complex Benefits

Some of the benefits of Skinny Signal Complex include:

  • Activate your “Skinny Signal” for rapid weight loss
  • A blend of 15 science-backed, fat-burning, natural ingredients
  • Formulated by doctor
  • Promote digestive health, calmness, mood, and more
  • Backed by a 180-day money-back guarantee
  • Made in the United States

How Does Skinny Signal Complex Work?

The Skinny Signal Complex is based on the idea that everybody has a “Skinny Signal” within themselves. Skinny Signal impacts your body’s ability to manage weight.

However, as you age, your Skinny Signal is disrupted, making it difficult for your body to manage weight.

The Skinny Signal is closely connected to your PPAR receptors. These receptors are linked to fat burning and energy production: they transform the sugar you eat and stored fat into energy your body can use, playing a crucial role in weight management.

Here’s how Dr. Hruby, who helped create Skinny Signal Complex, explains the connection between your Skinny Signal, PPAR receptors, and weight loss:

“PPAR receptors are found inside virtually every part of our body. And when they work properly, especially when you’re young…they continually – 24/7 – broadcast a ‘Skinny Signal’ throughout each of your cells.”

This Skinny Signal tells your body to burn fat for energy, helping to burn away fat and manage weight.

As you get older, however, your PPAR receptors get disrupted, interfering with your body’s natural Skinny Signal. The result? Weight gain and low energy.

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How PPAR Skinny Signals Work

Understanding how the Skinny Signal Complex works helps to understand how PPAR receptors work.

Dr. Hruby discovered a connection between PPAR receptors and weight loss. By reactivating PPAR receptors, you can reactivate your body’s built-in “Skinny Signal” to trigger weight loss. Here’s how it works:

When you’re young, your PPAR receptors work efficiently. They broadcast “fat-burning” signals throughout your body, telling your body to burn fat for energy.

As you age, however, you are at an increased risk of “PPAR disruption.” Your body no longer broadcasts the Skinny Signal, which means it no longer knows to burn fat for energy instead of carbs.

When your Skinny Signal / PPAR receptors are disrupted, fat piles up everywhere—particularly in stubborn, hard-to-burn areas like your tummy and thighs.

Even if you’re eating right and exercising, it’s virtually impossible to overcome PPAR disruption. It would help if you reactivated your Skinny Signal to lose weight.

According to Dr. Hruby, roughly 73% of adults have a disrupted PPAR that leads to weight management issues. The remaining adults, meanwhile, are blessed genetically because their PPAR signals remain strong regardless of age, allowing them to continue eating whatever they like while maintaining a healthy weight.

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Skinny Signal Complex Ingredients

Many weight loss supplements claim to help you lose weight without dieting or exercising. Most of them don’t work. What makes Skinny Signal Complex unique? Why pick Skinny Signal Complex over competing options?


Here are all of the ingredients in Skinny Signal Complex, as selected by Dr. Hruby, to set the formula apart from other weight loss supplements:

  • L-Glutamine: L-glutamine is the largest ingredient in the Skinny Signal Complex by far. There’s more L-glutamine in Skinny Signal Complex than all other ingredients combined (5,000mg of L-glutamine per serving compared to 2,650mg of other active ingredients). L-glutamine “promotes more weight loss without exercise,” according to Dr. Hruby, citing studies where women lost 6lbs in 4 weeks versus 0lbs with a placebo.
  • N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine: N-acetyl D-glucosamine is the second largest ingredient in Skinny Signal Complex. It’s best known for its effects on gut health, and some take it daily for ulcerative colitis, IBS, Crohn’s disease, and other gut health conditions. Some studies have also connected it to insulin resistance and blood sugar balance.
  • Hibiscus: Each serving of Skinny Signal Complex contains 300mg of hibiscus, making it the third largest ingredient in the supplement. According to Dr. Hruby, Hibiscus is a “bonus PPAR activator,” because it helps prevent your body from absorbing fat from food. Dr. Hruby appears to market Skinny Signal Complex specifically to people who don’t want to diet or exercise for weight loss. The hibiscus in Skinny Signal Complex means “the food you eat won’t be stored as body fat,’ giving you additional flexibility with your diet.
  • Strawberry Juice Powder: Each serving of Skinny Signal Complex contains a large dose of strawberry juice powder. Although it doesn’t appear to have active weight loss effects, strawberry juice powder makes the formula taste good. It gives it a light, sweet strawberry flavor instead of a licorice flavor.
  • Slippery Elm Bark Powder: Slippery elm bark has mild, natural laxative effects, which is why it’s been a popular digestive health remedy for centuries. The tree is native to the continent, and its bark was particularly popular among Native Americans. Today, the bark has a gummy texture and a distinct odor. The dried extract of the bark is commonly added to digestive health supplements.
  • Marshmallow Root Powder: Marshmallow root is known for acting similarly to slippery elm bark: it’s a natural laxative linked to digestive health. Some studies have connected it to other therapeutic effects, like improved energy levels in fish.
  • Mushroom Extracts: Skinny Signal Complex contains two mushroom extracts, cordyceps and turkey tail. These extracts are packed with beta glucans and other natural antioxidants linked to inflammation, fat burning, and digestive health. Increasing studies show that cordyceps and turkey tail are two of the best functional mushrooms available today.
  • Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice: Deglycyrrhizinated licorice is one of the most important ingredients in the Skinny Signal Complex. Even though it’s not the largest ingredient, it plays a critical role in the supplement’s success. Dr. Hruby claims licorice extract is ‘the real secret to how the Dutch stay so slim.” During Dr. Hruby’s research, he found Dutch people tended to have better PPAR signal activation than others – and he believed it was linked to licorice consumption. Because the ingredient is deglycyrrhizinated, it doesn’t have the typical licorice flavor.
  • Digestive Enzymes: Each serving of Skinny Signal Complex contains 150mg of a digestive enzyme blend called DIGIZYME. It’s a proprietary, trademarked blend of digestive enzymes linked to digestion, nutrient absorption, and health. You get amylase (to break down carbs), protease (to break down protein), and lipase (to break down fat), for example, along with cellulase (for vegetable and fruit fiber) and lactase (for lactose). Good digestion is crucial for weight loss. If your body isn’t processing nutrients efficiently, losing weight could be virtually impossible.
  • Probiotics: Each serving of Skinny Signal Complex also contains 313mg of probiotics for digestion. There are six probiotic strains in each serving of Skinny Signal Complex, including Lactobacillus gasseri, Bifidobacterium animalis, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus plantarum, and Bifidobacterium breve. Like digestion enzymes, probiotics are important for digestion and work in different ways to support digestion. For example, they can help break down fat and pass it out of your body to help with weight loss.
  • Rebaudioside A: Skinny Signal Complex contains rebaudioside A, which comes from stevia, to add sweetness to the formula. The sweetness of rebaudioside A, combined with the strawberry extract, gives Skinny Signal Complex a pleasant taste.
  • Mangosteen: Although not listed on the official Skinny Signal Complex label, mangosteen could help with weight loss. Dr. Hruby found mangosteen specifically worked as a “PPAR activator,” helping to reactivate your Skinny Signal. As proof, he cites one study where a group of people taking mangosteen lost 454% more weight than those in a placebo group.
  • Green Tea with EGCG: Green tea contains natural antioxidants, including catechins like epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG has been linked to significant weight loss in multiple trials, and many people take green tea daily to complement a healthy diet and exercise routine. According to Dr. Hruby, the green tea in Skinny Signal Complex can lead to a “decreased BMI and a smaller waist” and “fat will vanish from all over your body in next to no time at all” with the natural ingredient.
  • Citrus Bioflavonoids: Skinny Signal Complex contains citrus bioflavonoids, which are natural antioxidants, particularly in citrus fruits. These antioxidants can promote fat-burning and support healthy inflammation. If your body is inflamed, it isn’t easy to lose weight.
  • Bitter Melon: Bitter melon led to a “significant decrease in waist size,” according to Dr. Hruby, which is why he considers it “yet another powerful Skinny Signal activator.” Bitter melon has surged in popularity over the last decade, and many people take bitter melon daily for weight management, appetite control, and metabolism.
  • Apigenin: Apigenin is a natural molecule found in parsley, oranges, chamomile, and certain other foods. According to Dr. Hruby, it can help with body weight and belly fat, making it a valuable weight loss aid.

According to SuperHumn, each tub of Skinny Signal Complex contains 130g and 30 servings (4.33g per serving). However, the label lists 7.963g of active ingredients. The listed dose of L-glutamine (5g) alone is larger than the listed serving size (4.33g).

Additionally, several of the ingredients listed on the official website—like green tea and bitter melon — don’t appear on the Skinny Signal Complex label.

However, Dr. Hruby describes Skinny Signal Complex as a group of 15 ingredients to help boost your Skinny Signal and promote powerful weight loss.

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How to Take Skinny Signal Complex

Dr. Hruby and his team recommend taking one seal of Skinny Signal Complex daily to promote weight loss:

  • Fill the included scoop and mix it with an 8oz glass of cold water
  • Mix with a spoon for 5 seconds, then drink and enjoy

The formula contains a significant dose of strawberry and stevia extract, which gives it a sweet, strawberry-like flavor instead of an unpleasant licorice flavor.

By continuing to take Skinny Signal Complex daily, you could lose weight. The official website is filled with testimonials from people who lost 0.5 to 1lb per day for the first week while taking Skinny Signal Complex.

What to Expect After Taking Skinny Signal Complex

Skinny Signal Complex seems marketed primarily to people who want to lose weight without the stress of an intense diet or exercise program.

According to Dr. Hruby and his team, reactivating PPAR receptors (your “Skinny Signal”) can make it virtually impossible to gain weight, no matter how much you eat.

Here are some of the results you could experience after taking Skinny Signal Complex, according to Dr. Hruby and the official Skinny Signal Complex website:

  • Burn Fat 24/7: Skinny Signal Complex’s primary goal is to signal your body to burn fat cells 24/7. The formula starts by activating PPAR receptors and targeting the Skinny Signal by “commanding your cells to burn fat 24/7.”
  • Works at Any Age: As you age, your PPAR receptors don’t signal fat burning as well as they used to, increasing your risk of weight gain. Skinny Signal Complex, however, works “no matter how old you are.” Everyone has PPAR receptors within themselves, and those PPAR receptors can signal your body to burn fat at any age for lasting results.
  • Specifically, Target Belly Fat: Most weight loss supplements don’t claim to target a specific part of the body. Instead, they burn fat across your body. Skinny Signal Complex, however, works differently. According to Dr. Hruby, the supplement “is most effective at getting the Skinny Signal to work its magic on the most stubborn fat of all…belly fat.” As proof, Dr. Hruby cites studies where participants lost an unusually high amount of belly fat, relative to other body fat, while taking one of the ingredients in Skinny Signal Complex.
  • Avoid Strict Dieting or Exercising: Many studies cited on the official Skinny Signal Complex website involve people who did not follow a strict diet or exercise plan. Instead, they took natural ingredients and then lost weight because they activated PPAR receptors or your Skinny Singal. Dr. Hruby says you could lose weight with Skinny Signal Complex “without lifting a finger or following an impossible diet plan.”
  • Address the Root Cause of Weight Gain: Do you feel like eating right and exercising but struggling to lose weight? Skinny Signal Complex aims to address the real root cause of your weight gain: PPAR receptor disruption. Age-related PPAR is preventing your Skinny Signal from being broadcast, and this is making it virtually impossible to lose weight – even if you’re doing everything right.
  • Eat Your Favorite Foods: According to the official Skinny Signal Complex website, “you could slim down and get into shape without giving up all your favorite foods” by activating PPAR receptors using Skinny Signal Complex. Dr. Hruby mentions chocolate, Chinese takeout, and cheesy pasta as meals you could eat “with no fatty results” and “without any guilt, shame or worry,” thanks to Skinny Signal Complex. Because the supplement reactivates your PPAR receptors, you could eat your favorite foods and still lose weight.
  • Boost Energy: According to Dr. Hruby, “your energy explodes” after taking Skinny Signal Complex. The supplement signals your body to burn fat for energy, helping to raise overall energy levels. Higher metabolism means greater calorie burning daily, boosting energy and weight loss results.
  • Pleasant Flavor: You can expect a pleasant flavor with Skinny Signal Complex. Although licorice is one of the most important ingredients in Skinny Signal Complex, the formula also contains large doses of strawberry and stevia extract, giving it a pleasantly sweet strawberry flavor.
  • Promote Calmness: Dr. Hruby states, “You feel a sense of calm” after taking Skinny Signal Complex. Some ingredients can normalize body processes, helping to promote relief throughout the body. For example, taking digestive enzymes and probiotics can help relax your body.

Skinny Signal Complex: Get the benefits you’ve been looking for!

Scientific Evidence for Skinny Signal Complex

Skinny Signal Complex was created in partnership with Dr. Hruby. Dr. Hruby and his team also cite third-party scientific evidence to prove the formula works as advertised. We’ll evaluate the science behind the Skinny Signal Complex.

First, Dr. Hruby cites one study from the University of Oxford. In that study, researchers attempted to reactivate the Skinny Signal in a group of overweight adults by targeting PPAR receptors. Researchers found the amount of fat in subjects’ bloodstream decreased by 30%, on average, after just two weeks. Fat in the bloodstream is associated with an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.

In a separate animal study by the University of California, researchers gave a high-calorie diet to a group of animals. Half had their PPAR reactivated, while the other half did not. At the end of the study, animals in the PPAR reactivation group “simply could not gain weight – no matter how much they ate,” according to Dr. Hruby, summarizing the study.

Glutamine is the largest ingredient in the Skinny Signal Complex, and some studies have linked glutamine to significant weight loss results. In a 2019 Nutrients study, for example, researchers found glutamine reduced obesity, reduced inflammation, reduced waist circumference, and improved insulin sensitivity in a group of rats, suggesting the natural ingredient could promote weight loss. A separate study on female adults found glutamine led to a significant drop in weight in a group of 6 patients over four weeks.

The second largest ingredient in Skinny Signal Complex is N-acetyl glucosamine. A 2017 study in Glycobiology found the ingredient could help with insulin resistance in mice. Insulin resistance and blood sugar imbalance could increase hunger, causing you to overeat. Your body tells you you’re hungry even when you’re not.

Overall, Skinny Signal Complex contains 15 science-backed ingredients linked to varying degrees of weight loss.

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Skinny Signal Complex Clinical Trials

Most nutritional supplement companies don’t invest in clinical trials. These trials may not lead to the desired results, are expensive, and could pose a liability issue.

However, Dr. Hruby and SuperHumn did perform two clinical trials on the Skinny Signal Complex to verify its effectiveness. We’ll evaluate those trials below.

First, Dr. Hruby claims to have conducted a small trial on the Skinny Signal Complex to verify it led to rapid weight loss. Here’s how that initial trial worked:

  • Dr. Hruby chose a group of 14 women trying to lose weight.

According to the official Skinny Signal Complex website, every woman in the group “lost between 25 and 34 pounds in 8 weeks,” except for one woman who lost even more.

That final woman, Sandra, lost 8.5” from her stomach and 36.3 lbs of fat in 8 weeks while taking Skinny Signal Complex.

Impressed by the trial results, Dr. Hruby repeated the test with a larger group. Here’s how the second follow-up trial worked:

  • Dr. Hruby gathered a group of 37 men and women who wanted to lose weight.
  • Each trial member “lost an incredible amount of weight,” according to Dr. Hruby.
  • One person in the group lost 16.3 lbs after 4 weeks.
  • Nobody in the trial reported any side effects.

Overall, Dr. Hruby’s trials indicate that taking Skinny Signal Complex could help you lose as much as 0.5 lbs per day (or 1lb every 2 days). He does not reveal whether or not the trial groups followed a diet or exercise program, nor did he publish the trial in a peer-reviewed medical journal.

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Skinny Signal Complex Reviews: What Do Customers Say?

Many people have lost a significant amount of weight in a short time by taking Skinny Signal Complex.

Here are some of the reviews, weight loss testimonials, and stories shared by verified users on the official website:

Dr. Hruby was one of the first people to test the Skinny Signal Complex supplement he created. He claims to have lost 4.2lbs in just 2 weeks with an early supplement version.

After refining the formula and adding more ingredients, Dr. Hruby enhanced weight loss even further, ultimately dropping 12.6lbs in a month.

One woman featured on the official Skinny Signal Complex website lost 6.7 lbs in her first week of taking It, claiming it “was like the fat on my body had no choice but to melt away.”

Ultimately, that woman lost 42 lbs in 3 months while taking Skinny Signal Complex, transforming her appearance and requiring her to buy a new wardrobe.

Skinny Signal Complex Pricing

Skinny Signal Complex typically costs $149 per tub. However, through a 2024 promotion, SuperHumn has dropped the price to as little as $29 per tub. Plus, qualifying purchases come with free bonus eBooks, free bonus supplements, free shipping, and other perks.

Here’s how much you pay when ordering Skinny Signal Complex online today:
  • 1Tub: $59.00
  • 3 Tubs: $117.00 ($39.00 Per Tub) + $9.99 Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks
  • 6 Tubs: $174.00 ($29.00 Per Tub) + Free Shipping + 2 Free Bonus eBooks + 1 Bottle of Nano D3/K1/K2

Each tub contains 130g of powdered formula or 30 servings.

Shop now and get Skinny Signal Complex at the best price!

Bonuses Included with Skinny Signal Complex

As part of a 2024 promotion, Skinny Signal Complex is available at a discount rate as low as $29 per bottle. Plus, qualifying 3 and 6-tub purchases include up to 3 free bonuses, including:

Bonuses Included with Skinny Signal Complex IMAGE

Free Bonus eBook #1: Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: Intermittent fasting is more popular than ever for weight loss. In this guide, you can discover proven strategies to incorporate intermittent fasting into your life – including practices you can use today to start losing weight with intermittent fasting. Some combine intermittent fasting (IF) with Skinny Signal Complex to boost weight loss results. Covered topics include:

  • How to intermittent fast the right way
  • How to avoid the most common “fasting mistake” that causes you to gain weight instead of lose weight
  • Two supernutrients to make intermittent fasting much easier

Free Bonus eBook #2: Leaky Gut 101: Studies increasingly show how devastating leaky gut syndrome can be for weight loss and overall health. Some people have a more permeable gut lining than others, causing more toxins to flow into the body. In this bonus eBook, you can discover the symptoms of a leaky gut, potential treatment options, and simple strategies to manage the condition to boost overall health. Topics covered in this eBook include:

  • What causes leaky gut and why 80 to 90% of people suffer from leaky gut
  • The good, bad, and ugly of gut bacteria
  • Proven methods for balancing an “out of whack” digestive system and promoting good gut hygiene

Free Bonus Supplement: Nano D3/K1/K2: If you buy six bottles of Skinny Signal Complex, you get one free bonus bottle of Nano D3/K1/K2. It’s difficult for your body to absorb all three of these nutrients on their own. Skinny Signal Complex can promote overall health and maximize absorption by bundling all three nutrients into one supplement. SuperHumn delivers the formula as part of a nano-encapsulation process, significantly reducing the particles’ size to boost absorption. In addition to correcting nutrient deficiencies, the formula could help with weight loss.

In fact, Dr. Hruby claims the supplement “is clinically proven to help slash away up to 5 inches of belly fat.”

Order Skinny Signal Complex now and get bonuses that you won’t find anywhere else!

Skinny Signal Complex Refund Policy

Skinny Signal Complex has a 180-day money-back guarantee. You have six full months or 180 days, to try the supplement and request a refund if you’re unhappy.

About SuperHumn

SuperHumn is a US-based nutritional supplement company founded by Dr. Steven Hruby.

The company manufactures all supplements in a GMP-approved facility in the United States.

You can contact SuperHumn and the Skinny Signal Complex customer service team via the following:

  • Email: team@superhumn.com
  • Phone: (833) 676-1687

Final Word

Skinny Signal Complex is a doctor-formulated weight loss supplement featuring 15 science-backed ingredients.

By taking one scoop of Skinny Signal Complex daily, you can purportedly reactivate your PPAR receptors, or “Skinny Signals” within your body, telling your body to burn fat. Your Skinny Signal gets disrupted as you age, making it tough to lose weight.

Visit the official website by clicking here to learn more about Skinny Signal Complex and how it works or to buy the weight loss supplement online today.


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