Set clocks back an hour on Sunday

Daylight saving time ends this weekend. People should set their clocks back one hour at 2 a.m. Sunday.

Daylight saving time ends this weekend. People should set their clocks back one hour at 2 a.m. Sunday.

Along with the change, firefighters remind people to change the batteries in the home smoke detectors. And the Medic One Foundation recommends that anyone who owns a Vial of L.I.F.E. (Lifesaving Information for Emergencies) should update the medical information in their vial this weekend.

The Vial of L.I.F.E. is a plastic capsule that resembles a medicine vial. The vial comes with a blank medical information form, a sticker, and a magnet. The completed medical information form should be put inside the vial and the vial should then be placed inside your refrigerator.

The Vial of L.I.F.E. sticker should be placed on the front door of your residence and the magnet should be placed on the front of your refrigerator so emergency responders know there is a vial inside.

Forms are available on the Medic One Foundation website.