Good idea on schools, but what about the cost?

Its regrettable at a time readers are faced with serious concerns about jobs, economy and health care you would devote so much room Paul Sutton’s diatribe lamenting Bellevue school shortfalls.

What exactly is his complaint? He’s concerned schools are overlooking the “holistic needs of students” by their emphasis on academic learning and testing. He also advocates projects that “inject instructional intentionality” into the work students do. (I hope I’m not the only one who has no idea what those statements mean.)

Mr. Sutton proposes a new University Lab School with the “best teachers” and “best teaching practices” along with “state of the art facilities in science, engineering and technology labs.” Wow, who could be against that!

However, I’m curious, in this time of tight budgets, what programs does he propose to sacrifice to fund his project?Bill Hirt, Bellevue