A tough time of year

I totally understand Editor Craig Groshart having a tough time getting through the Christmas season with the lousy weather. But I think I may have it worse.


I totally understand Editor Craig Groshart having a tough time getting through the Christmas season with the lousy weather. But I think I may have it worse.

Try to imagine keeping the ho-ho-hos alive while putting decorations on a citrus tree, or putting lights on a palm tree, getting all sweaty in the 70s in Yuma, Ariz., at this time of year.

It’s tough to make out the snowflakes in the blinding sunshine. Singing “Winter Wonderland” just doesn’t cut it. And, in an RV park, there are no chimneys for Santa to come down.

So just be grateful you don’t have to suffer like I do.

Merry Christmas any way.

Don Riggs, formerly of Bellevue