Bikini barista protesters are hypocrites

What a high level of hypocrisy shown by the protesters of the bikini baristas. I am personally more concerned about some parents I've seen dropping their daughters off at my daughters' schools dressed inappropriately. I am also more concerned about some grown woman I see at the Bellevue stores dressed like ladies of the evening, not to mention the whale tails, muffin tops and cup cake tops displayed in public all year long.

What a high level of hypocrisy shown by the protesters of the bikini baristas.

I am personally more concerned about some parents I’ve seen dropping their daughters off at my daughters’ schools dressed inappropriately. I am also more concerned about some grown woman I see at the Bellevue stores dressed like ladies of the evening, not to mention the whale tails, muffin tops and cup cake tops displayed in public all year long.

At least the bikini baristas are honest about what they are selling … coffee and a brief look at a shapely woman in a bikini.

To waste the City Council time on this, as well as money, that could go to a REAL cause, on T shirts and signs is unconscionable.

Michael Domini, Bellevue