Davidson frugal, represents community

As a 45-year resident homeowner and activist in the greater downtown area, I value Don Davidson's perspective on frugal proper use of my tax dollar.


As a 45-year resident homeowner and activist in the greater downtown area, I value Don Davidson’s perspective on frugal proper use of my tax dollar. One of the most effective ways to keep seniors like me in their family homes is not to tax them to death.

I have spent over 30 years volunteering support for my passions for healthy downtown neighborhoods, and their attendant cultural opportunities vis a vis parks, heritage programs and a community Theatre at Meydenbauer Center (paid for with visitor taxes, not our property taxes).

Don’s values, like mine, are life-long values, not issue-based arguments. In Don’s long service to his community, he has represented his constituents, not special interests. Greater downtown neighborhoods need his watchful vigilance at the council table as Sound Transit seeks permits to build East Link and the downtown continues to grow in our midst. I ask folks to vote for Don Davidson, the “proven father of common sense,” NOT “new blood” for the sake of change.

Lee Maxwell, Bellevue