Such a big deal is being made over Kemper Freeman’s $1,800 contribution to the Bellevue City Council campaign of candidate Michelle Hilhorst. Her opponent has received more than three times this much in campaign contributions this year from developers and construction companies, and the fact is, Freeman contributed to earlier campaigns by Claudia Balducci and John Chelminiak, Hilhorst’s opponent. It’s pretty much a rite of passage on the Eastside.
Hilhorst has already stated her strong support for light rail and the downtown Bellevue tunnel – that’s part of the public record.
The closure of a number of businesses, including a large grocery store and drugstore in the center of the Newport Hills neighborhood prompted Hilhorst to bring together economic development experts, current and potential tenants and the city with the community for a series of meetings on the future of our neighborhood center.
The effect this effort has had on our community has been nothing short of game-changing. People feel they have a voice now at the city, and a voice in the future of their community. .
Hilhorst is intelligent. She’s a wonderful public speaker who engages everyone who comes into her orbit. She deserves your vote.
Robin Bentley, Bellevue