Keep one-sided views out of our schools

Regarding a recent article in the Bellevue Reporter, the idea that a politician, any politician, can come into our public schools and have our children as a captive audience to push a one-sided political ideology and agenda disgusts me. No politician of any party should be able to do this, especially when it comes to restricting constitutional rights.

Regarding a recent article in the Bellevue Reporter, the idea that a politician, any politician, can come into our public schools and have our children as a captive audience to push a one-sided political ideology and agenda disgusts me.  No politician of any party should be able to do this, especially when it comes to restricting constitutional rights.

What if they were pushing restricting speech and expression because it is dangerous, how would you feel then?  Schools are for learning facts, problem solving, logic and critical thinking, which politicians bring none of.

If this was to be discussed in schools then a two-sided debate would be the appropriate way so students could hear both sides of the argument and decide for themselves as well as maybe a quick lesson in the Constitution, Bill of Rights and the context in which our Founding Fathers came up with protecting these rights.  Also, a lesson that rights are not granted by the government, the definition of right would clearly contradict that they are granted to us and can be taken away by anyone.

Where these students given a choice to attend or do something else?  This makes me seriously reconsider if I want my kids to go to the public schools, I don’t want them indoctrinated into any political ideology of any kind by anyone.

Justin Smith, Bellevue