Let Sound Transit pay bridge tolls

Here is another example of how Sound Transit, the Washington State Department of Transportation and our local legislators are ripping off Eastside residents. In this case they have decided that Eastsiders should have to pay a toll to finance the rebuild of the 520 bridge.

Over the past 15 years Eastside residents have been contributing more than 40 percent of all of Sound Transit funds, an amount that was supposed to be spent on improving Eastside transportation. Yet, at the end of 2008, Sound Transit capital expenditures in Seattle totaled nearly $3 billion. Their total expenditures on the Eastside less is than $400 million, less than 15 percent of total.

Prior to the vote last fall Sound Transit assured us they already had adequate funding for completing the airport connection and the new University extension. The vote last fall doubled the amount they will be getting from the Eastside. Yet, Sound Transit has absolutely no construction projects scheduled for the Eastside until they begin Eastlink construction 5 or 6 years from now. Thus there is no reason these recent funds that Sound Transit has been getting from your citizens cannot be used to eliminate the need for bridge tolls.

The most despicable part of this story is the way our legislators have treated their constituents. Several of them are in high positions in the transportation committees in the Legislature and could effectively block any toll charges. Instead they are in the forefront of those calling for the tolls.

Bill Hirt, Bellevue