Letter writer irresponsible

I feel compelled to reply to a Dec. 28 letter titled "Blame the Democrats." First the writer did not give any evidence to support his Susan Rice accusations where he stated, "She and other Obama administration staff lied." To make such an accusation without supportive data in a public forum is irresponsible.

I feel compelled to reply to a Dec. 28 letter titled “Blame the Democrats.” First the writer did not give any evidence to support his Susan Rice accusations where he stated, “She and other Obama administration staff lied.” To make such an accusation without supportive data in a public forum is irresponsible.

He then goes on to say that from 2008 to 2010 the Democratic-controlled Senate could have passed anything it wanted. The Senate during that time only had a five-month window where it had enough votes (60 requirement) to override a filibuster due to the delay of the swearing in of Al Franken and the death of Ted Kennedy. Part of that window was during the summer break which reduced legislative time further.

During this time, Republicans used the filibuster liberally. Mitch McConnell, the Senate minority leader, stated that his number one goal was to make Obama a one-term president. He wanted to make it appear that President Obama was ineffective.

Based on these facts, I feel Mr. Applestone is disingenuous or biased with regard to these issues.

Patricia Ryan
