NSA intrigue and irony

Paradoxically, perhaps the conservatives, Tea Party and Libertarians should show more of a constructive interest in the NSA leakage of correlation tracking of communications. I can imagine that access to the data bases may divulge more than a coincidental pattern between our president and his proxy outposts:


Paradoxically, perhaps the conservatives, Tea Party and Libertarians should show more of a constructive interest in the NSA leakage of correlation tracking of communications. I can imagine that access to the data bases may divulge more than a coincidental pattern between our president and his proxy outposts:

* Numerous phone calls between President Obama and AG Holder before Justice waived the conviction of the New Black Panthers for intimidating white voters?

* A spike in calls with NLRB members before Boeing was disallowed expansion in SC?

* Many calls between the IRS chief and the administration during audits of major major Republican donors and applications for tax exempt entities from the Tea Party and conservatives ?

* A surge in calls between the administration, State Department, CIA, and security when President Obama and Secretary Clinton seemed concerned that Bengazi would indicated a lack of success by the president in defeatingAl-Qaeda?

* A lack of calls between the White House and Republicans during calls for bipartisanship by President Obama?

Sometimes noisy data and disparate data bases can yield rather discerning conclusions.

Harvey Gillis, Bellevue