The letter about Medina’s victory over a cell pole installation reminded me of my pole story. This ugly thing is still there.
This project benefits everyone, is very very cheap and should be built.
The City of Bellevue is contemplating bike lanes on 116th Avenue Northeast. This is a crazy idea. The street is very congested and busy, particularly between Northeast Eighth and Northeast 12th.
President Obama is good at two things, making speeches and fundraising. The actual governing of a nation? Not so much.
Don’t blame public schools. Blame our corrupt political system, in which politicians depend on the largesse of wealthy donors to get elected.
County Councilmember Jane Hague helped get Metro Route 271 resolved for Bellevue College. Now effort needed on rest of route.
Initiative 594 is not about gun safety or even supervision.
Old bumper sticker sums up what will happen if I-594 is approved.
In November the citizens of Washington have the opportunity to make Washington safer by voting “yes” for Initiative 594. This initiative will reduce access to guns by criminals, domestic violence abusers, and other dangerous persons.
Light rail on I-90 will cost billions to build, millions to operate.
President Obama should return salutes from military.
As a mother of three children and a Bellevue resident since 1998, I will be voting this November for legislators who have demonstrated their commitment to common sense policies that make our families and communities safer from gun violence. One such candidate is state Rep. Tana Senn.
I was encouraged and pleasantly surprised to see Frank Shiers’ cartoon satirizing PSE’s perception of inevitability regarding their Energize Eastside project (“You can’t stop this” in the Sept. 17 issue). For me, the cartoon touched on three interesting questions.
I just read the recent letter from Erik Anderson about boycotting QFC and Fred Meyer because of parent company Kroger’s gun policy. I’m not surprised. He shows his ignorance of law abiding trained citizens carrying firearms.
I think Puget Sound Energy’s Energize Eastside Project is an example of the conflict between old and new solutions to our energy future. We truly are in an energy revolution.
Do we want Congress to tell businesses/organizations what name they can and can’t have for themselves? Three points concern me.
Complaints about county’s latest assessment values do no good.
Until Kroger changes its firearms policy, we’ll be shopping elsewhere
Two gun initiatives will be on the fall ballot, but one of them is far too extreme.
Assessor’s appraised value on condo takes a big jump.