I just wanted to thank you for your great coverage of the Audubon BirdLoop (including featuring us on page 1 of the online edition), and the wonderful placement of our Bird Festival ad on page two last Wednesday and Saturday.
I must respond to an article written by Andy Wappler in the July 5 Bellevue Reporter regarding the proposed PSE merger, which so many of their customers are against.
A recent letter writer (“Climate change truth and consequences”) critiquing John Carlson’s commentary on these pages ignores several salient facts.
After reading the article about Redmond’s position on Idlewood Park, I say “boo” to Redmond!
First of all, good article by Carrie Wood on Talal Al-namrouti and family. Please pass my concern for them to them if you can.
I just read your commentary on the “Parties do disservice to state voters.”
Eastside rapid transit should be quickly implemented. But Sound Transit’s proposal is flawed in three ways.
I want to thank you for your recent article on LDS Bellevue South State President Robert Johnson.
By now the phone companies should have conned all the cell phone addicts into buying a second (“hands-free”) phone to comply with the nearly worthless law making it almost illegal to use a hand-held phone while driving.
America is hurting. Consumer spending is going down. The people of this state are hurting.
One of the problems is the gas tax and it is not the rosy picture the Bellevue Reporter painted in its recent editorial.
Recently, there has been some reporting on possible quid pro quo dealings of our governor for Indian casinos and government employees. How long will it take voters to recognize what I believe is the disingenuous nature of this politician?
On behalf of my wife, a cancer survivor, and myself who is surviving cancer, I would like to thank everyone who participated in Bellevue’s second annual “American Cancer Society Relay for Life” on Saturday and Sunday, June 7 and 8. We were deeply touched by the respect shown all of us in the purple “Survivor” T-shirts and surprised to see the large amount of young people (teenagers) in attendance.
I am afraid my wife is going to cancel our subscription (free, though it is) to the Bellevue Reporter. Every time I read John Carlson’s commentary, my blood pressure shoots up. I’m too old for this kind of stress, John. You have to stop tormenting me.
I have just read Walter Blackstrom’s opinion, “No Excuses in 2008,” which is in the June 18 edition of The Bellevue Reporter and I want to say “thank you” to Mr. Blackstrom.
John Carlson seems to have missed the BTU boat when he cites Wired’s “Inconvenient Truths” in “WIRED magazine: going green perhaps not all it’s cracked up to be.” When a used vehicle is traded for a new one, the carbon debt already been amassed. Happened as soon as the new Prius or Hummer or whatever got built.
I would like to suggest three ways for people to use all or part of their Economic Stimulus Tax Rebate.
1. Make a financial gift to charity and help a neighbor in need who is suffering from layoff, injury, illness or the effects of poverty.
Thank you for the recent article about the Bellevue School District receiving pest control star. I would like to clarify a couple of points.
The school district is at the start of the journey and has not yet realized the standards set forth. While the award should be applauded, there remains much work to do to come into compliance with all program goals.
John Carlson, in his May 14 commentary, overcomplicates a very simple question. What is “going wrong with transportation in our region, then and now,” is that there are too many people driving alone, on roadways that are not capable of handling the traffic. We already have too much concrete and too many roads; they are just poorly utilized, by single-occupancy vehicles.
The first thing I would do is direct Sound Transit to give up its idea of a light rail connection to Bellevue and Overlake via Lake Washington floating bridge. A light rail system across Mercer Island only makes sense if it includes an extension to Eastgate that provides direct connections into Seattle.
As an executive, strategy planner and chemical engineer, I am tired of listening to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s and President Bush’s disconnected, politically motivated speeches on energy initiatives that serve no coherent purpose towards diminishing America’s reliance on imported oil and natural gas.