Salute and sacrifice not trivial

Concerning " President's Salute Not an Issue" letter from the Oct. 10, talk about out of touch.


Concerning ” President’s Salute Not an Issue” letter from the Oct. 10, talk about out of touch. For the letter writer or anyone else to consider the lack of a salute, or a salute not completed correctly, trivial when acknowledging our nations flag, or to return the salute from a member of our volunteer armed forces is in itself an issue.

But, as the writer stated, he expects “the rest of the fake patriotism conservatives” to “focus on fixing the real issues in the world like ……..”

Has he considered that maybe it is not such a trivial thing to those who have sacrificed or put their lives in harm’s way so that he has the freedom to speak as thoughtlessly as he does?

We conservatives care for and about these guardians of our nation’s flag to not trivialize the respect due to them.

Jack Schultz, Bellevue