Time for a new judge

So Judge Ronald Kessler concedes he "might have made a mistake" in releasing multiple-level-three sex offender Ricky Lee Lewis. The only printable response I can think of is, "Ya' think?"


So Judge Ronald Kessler concedes he “might have made a mistake” in releasing multiple-level-three sex offender Ricky Lee Lewis. The only printable response I can think of is, “Ya’ think?” Then Kessler compounds his ridiculous answer by saying, “No evidence was presented to him that Lewis might re-offend.” It only took Lewis six days to find an unfortunate 18-year-old victim.

I can understand why Prosecutor Dan Satterburg didn’t want to comment. It baffles me how Judge Kessler could do any worse in protecting the public. Look at the charging documents, which apparently Kessler didn’t deign to view. It’s all there. Kessler also struck down the death penalty for police murderer Christopher Monfort because Satterburg didn’t “do more” to find possible mitigating circumstances for Monfort. Like what? Aversion to the color blue?

Judge Kessler says that keeping everyone in jail as long as possible is the “easy way out.” I will bet that the victim in this case wishes that Kessler had taken the “easy way out ” with Lewis.

Kessler should not be a judge. He should resign. Or be removed. Failing that he should definitely be voted out at the next election.

Denny Andrews, Bellevue