Walter Backstrom never seems to have difficulty finding something to complain about. There actually IS plenty to complain about. He seems quite torn between Republicans and Democrats. At least he and I have that in common.
Here is the problem as I see it. He and others embrace an US vs. THEM mentality. Republicans vs. Democrats. Blacks vs. Whites. North vs. South. Christian vs. non-Christian. Sunni vs. Shiite. Jew vs. Arab. Indian vs. Pakistani. You get the idea.
Politically, how can there be such a dichotomy when there are so many issues? All of today’s issues are important, but we are deluded if we can draw a line down the middle and play the “with me or against me” game.
The odds of the two party system cracking any time soon are small to nil, but that is exactly what we need. Join me in my fantasy of politicians each with a platform of their own, elected by and representing well his/her constituents. Sure, not everybody gets what they want, but that’s where the democratic part comes in.
We, as Americans, and as well as the other Citizens of the World, need to stop seeing ourselves as being on one team or another. The difficulty is that teams compete. Fight. Often the dugouts are cleared and there is a brawl.
When we talk about virtues like kindness, morality, tolerance, dignity, charity, compassion, respect … it offends me when any country, ethnicity, race or religion claims or implies a monopoly on those traits.
And, yes Backstrom, all of those colors of the rainbow make us great, I agree. But there are “colors” that are not quite as “colorful,” but just as diverse. Let’s try your finely chosen words again with a substitution: “The greatness of this country comes not because of its [Christian] people, but because of all people: [Christian],[Jew],[Muslim], [Atheist]-” I am wondering if your opinion pieces could carry a bit of that flavor.
Let’s all try putting John Lennon’s “Imagine” on and see if it sinks in a bit.
Roger Blauvelt, Newcastle