I am a new parent of elementary school students in the Bellevue School District and have heard from many families the issues that will arise if the wrong math textbook series are selected for our students in middle and high-school.
What many families are not aware of is that the math textbooks that are currently being used in the Bellevue elementary schools are aligned with the Holt mathematics philosophy. If the district is to adopt “Discovering” series, the students will be faced with a new mathematics philosophy once they enter middle school.
It also is my understanding that the school district recently changed the elementary mathematics textbooks to get away from the “Discovering” philosophy. How will the change in teaching math be addressed once the children enter middle school?
Is it assumed that the elementary math will be a solid enough background to make it a seamless conversion at the middle and high school levels? If this is the case, why not stay on the same solid course?
In regards to the “one-sided” debate article on the Bellevue Reporter’s website, was it really one sided? It was obvious that the Holt supporters were there, but why weren’t the Discovering supporters? Has the decision already been made that they did not need to be?
One would think that because of the Seattle School District case that they would be out in full force to support what they believe is the right choice.
Leigh-Ann Kaku, Bellevue