The city of Bellevue has multiple Neighborhood programs coming up in April.
The next Cultural Conversations will be April 24 at the Crossroads Community Center. The current topic is “What’s in a Name?”.
Additionally, the Neighborhoods Conference will be held on April 21. There are numerous program offerings. These workshops require conference registration and there are a limited number of seats. Interested attendees should register by April 7 to take advantage of the discounted price of $35.
The Bellevue Neighborhoods Conference is about innovation, inspiration and connection. The day launches with continental breakfast and keynote speaker, Marc Berejka, director of government and community affairs at REI, who will share REIs vision, values and “why” they will make their new corporate home on the Eastside.
Attendees can choose from 16 workshops in four thematic areas, including our stories/our community, innovation in transportation, urban growth and environment and conservation.
The continental breakfast, lunch and the opportunity to network with other Eastside leaders are included in the early bird $35 registration fee through April 7. Registration is $50 after April 7 if space is still available. Scholarships are available on request. To view the full conference catalog, attendees can visit and register at Space is limited and workshops fill on a first registered basis.