Medina-mom blogs for Oprah

Heija Nunn continues to blog about motherhood on The Oprah Winfrey website.

Medina-mom and blogger Heija Nunn has made a name for herself around the mommy circuit.

In April, Nunn made an appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show to discuss the ups and downs of motherhood. The show is set to run once again on Friday, July 3 beginning at 4 p.m.

For the show, Nunn joined a small group of mommy bloggers from around the country and actress Cheryl Hines from the ABC sitcom, In the Motherhood, to break the silence about mommy business- the good, the bad and everything in between.

Nunn wrote into the Oprah show earlier this year, sharing her brand of mommy humor and tips for surviving the unknown. She was chosen to appear on the live show from the comfort of her own home via Skype, real-time video call technology that allows people to connect for free from all across the globe.

Since appearing on the show in April, Nunn has gone on to become a regular blogger on with her blog titled, The Worst Mother in the World. She covers the challenges of motherhood and shares her friendly mom-to-mom advice by answering viewer questions submitted to

To learn more about the Secret Lives of Moms, check out Nunn’s ongoing blog at the following links:

Parenting Blog on

Ask Heija-Parenting Blog on