Calendar Submissions
Two best-selling authors from this area will visit the Redmond Borders for a discussion and signing today. Amanda Quick, author of a string of New York Times bestsellers, presents her latest book, The Third Circle. Stella Cameron, prize-winning author of more than 60 novels, presents the gritty A Marked Man.
Efeste Wine Cellars, pronounced F-S-T, first opened their doors to the public in December 2007. The name comes from the last names of the winery’s three founding partners: Daniel Ferrelli, Patrick Smith and Kevin Taylor.
First United Methodist Church of Bellevue will hold a rummage sale Mat 2-3 to benefit those in need worldwide and in this country. Doors will be open from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. both days according to co-chairs Lael O’Neal and Shirley Hirsch.
Robinswood High School science teacher Laura Baumgartner was selected as a recipient of the national Amgen Award for Science Teaching Excellence. She is one of only four winners in the state of Washington and 30 in the nation.
The East Lake Washington District of Garden Clubs has awarded Give Kids a Hand grants to two schools in the Bellevue School District.
Up to 50 nonprofit agencies will share volunteer opportunities for individuals, families and civic groups at Family Resource Center’s 11th annual Eastside Volunteer Fair. The Fair will be held on May 3, the final day of National Volunteer Week, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Crossroads Bellevue, Northeast Eighth Street and 156th Avenue Northeast.
What do you call two straight days of rain in western Washington? A weekend!
Dr. Michael DeBakey, the renowned heart surgeon, received the Congressional Medal of Honor recently. He’s going to be 100 this year, so apparently somebody figured they better get to it.
Between dating, grades, piercings and privacy the life of a teenage girl is no easy cake walk. First time author Sarah O’Leary Burningham – a former Bellevue resident – explores the complex and sometimes tenuous relationship between teens and parents in her book, “How To Raise Your Parents: A Teen Girl’s Survival Guide.”
Thistle Theatre, a puppet theatre for families, will present the Three Billy Goats Gruff at the Bellevue Youth Theatre, 16661 Northup Way in Bellevue.
Calendars are published Wednesdays and Saturdays on a space-available basis. Items for the Wednesday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Thursday. Items for the Saturday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Tuesday.
Lindsey Larson, of Bellevue, will perform with a select group of students in several performances entitled a Tribute of Bernstein at The Boston Conservatory of Music.
Springtime will get jazzy again as the Bellevue High Jazz Festival hosts 50 bands on May 2-3.
Calendars are published Wednesdays and Saturdays on a space-available basis. Items for the Wednesday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Thursday. Items for the Saturday edition must be submitted by noon the previous Tuesday.
V ideo: Congressional candidate Horace Funkhouser is shown walking down a street. He’s eating a large bag of doughnuts. He stuffs a large, jelly-filled one into his mouth, whole.
So here we are, turning the calendar to April, and we’re still shivering from a rare spring snow on some of the higher hills around the area. And trust me, I know what you’re thinking: Ha, so much for global warming!
Planning a first date? No worries – the 2008 Downtown Bellevue Haute Picks are here to the rescue.