17 from Bellevue make dean’s list at University of Portland

Seventeen Bellevue students have been named to the dean's list for spring 2012 at the University of Portland.


Seventeen Bellevue students have been named to the dean’s list for spring 2012 at the University of Portland.

They are: Brett Bankson, sophomore, psychology; Kyle Bowman, senior, mechanical engineering; Elizabeth D’Amelio-Videlman, senior, biology; Kyle DeFrancia, sophomore, computer science; Christine Dollard, junior, chemistry; Syefania Hajnosz, freshman, English; John Liedtke, freshman, computer science; Michael Liedtke, senior, computer science; Samanatha Nicols, freshman, biology; Christopher Patterson, sophomore, business administration; Michael Pratt, senior, civil engineering; Samatha Rezab, sophomore, biology, Chelsea Roberts, freshman, communication; Kelsey Caffey, sophomore, elementary education; Anna Murphy, sophomore, business administration; Kasey Klansnic, freshman, business administration; and Jessica Snodgrass, freshman, civil engineering.