Seventeen Bellevue students have been named to the dean’s list for spring 2012 at the University of Portland.
They are: Brett Bankson, sophomore, psychology; Kyle Bowman, senior, mechanical engineering; Elizabeth D’Amelio-Videlman, senior, biology; Kyle DeFrancia, sophomore, computer science; Christine Dollard, junior, chemistry; Syefania Hajnosz, freshman, English; John Liedtke, freshman, computer science; Michael Liedtke, senior, computer science; Samanatha Nicols, freshman, biology; Christopher Patterson, sophomore, business administration; Michael Pratt, senior, civil engineering; Samatha Rezab, sophomore, biology, Chelsea Roberts, freshman, communication; Kelsey Caffey, sophomore, elementary education; Anna Murphy, sophomore, business administration; Kasey Klansnic, freshman, business administration; and Jessica Snodgrass, freshman, civil engineering.