41st Legislative district Democrats will meet Sunday, March 14 for their 2010 nominating convention and caucus.
Registration begins at noon with the nominating convention at 1 p.m. Delegates to the convention are any duly elected or appointed 41st Legislative District Precinct Committee Officers (PCOs). Other members and the public are invited to attend and observe.
The Caucus will begin at approximately 2 p.m. and will elect state delegates and alternates to the 2010 Washington State Democrats Convention, and to consider platforms and resolutions.
Eligible voters at the caucus will include registered voters, and any 17-year-old who will be eligible to vote on Nov. 2, 2010, residing in the 41st Legislative District, who are willing to sign in and be known as Democrats.
The convention and caucus will be held at the Hazen High School cafeteria, 1101 Hoquiam Ave. NE, Renton.
The 41st District includes the southern portion of Bellevue.
More information is available from Al Garman, pco-chair@41dems.org or 425-445-0371.