Bellevue-area students named to UW dean’s list

Students from the Bellevue area have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Washington for Winter Quarter.

Students from the Bellevue area have been named to the dean’s list at the University of Washington for Winter Quarter.

To qualify for the list, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade point average of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Students are notified that they have achieved this distinction

when they receive their grades for the quarter.

Those on the dean’s list include:

Katie Marie Albertson, sophomore; Malia Danae Alexander, senior; Michael Dean Allain, junior; Melanie H An, freshman; Chase Barron Anderson, freshman; Elliott Taylor Anderson, senior; Alyssa Nichole Andrews,freshman; Javier E Arias, junior; Jeffrey Christopher Axell, sophomore; Claire Natalie Bankson, senior;

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Sophia Yao Barnes, sophomore; Omer Eugene III Beaird, senior; Bryce Alden Bennett, sophomore; Alexander Douglas Benson, senior; Sam M Bernoski, sophomore; Andrea Kaye Betassa, junior; Allison Joann Bistritz, sophomore; Connor Jack Bogin, sophomore; Malik Bouchet, senior; Riley James Brazil, junior; Laura Ashley Buck, junior; Drew Mcpherson Burchard, senior; Kimberly D Burns, senior;

Ceinwen Kathleen Bushey, junior; Scott Wu Cairns, junior; Whitney Machelle Carter, junior; Amanda Haley Caufield, junior; Scott Patrick Caufield, senior; Nicole Courtney Chaffey, freshman; Jeffrey David Chalfan, senior; Pema Chuki Chamatsang, freshman;

Andy Yu-Yen Chang, senior; Caren Chang, junior; Melody Amy Chang, sophomore; Michael Tsai-Chen Chang, freshman; Elaine Swan Chao, sophomore; Eric Yusheng Chen, sophomore; Jason Jae-Chang Chen, junior; Keqiang Chen, senior;

Shirley Chen, senior; Yi-Wei Chen, junior; In Ming Cheng, junior; Madeline Ying Cheng, junior; Jenny Ming-Nei Chiang, freshman; Yih-Ling Chien, senior; Denise Pak-Yu Ching, sophomore;

Olivia P Chow, senior; Yun Jung Chung, junior; Jeffrey Perry Clark, senior; Rachel Mariko Croft, junior; Steven Colton Crowther, senior; Claudia Curea, senior; Yumi Jane Curtis, sophomore; Christopher Arthur Dack, junior; Allicia Louisa Davis, senior; Jonathan Samuel Day, sophomore;

Chase Stuart Dean, senior; Chengying Deng, junior; Melvin Turner Donaldson, junior; Jimiao Du, senior; Ngoc-Van Minh Duong, junior; Annika Elen Ekroll, freshman; Michelle Eve Elkins, sophomore; Luis Gabriel Escamilla, junior;

Tatiana Franzen, senior; Lisa Ashley Fritzky, senior; Nicolas Garcia-Vicario, senior; Samuel Holden Garfield, senior; Matthew Robert Gellatly, freshman; Kristina Petrova Georgieva, freshman; Anusha Ghosh Roy, junior;

Talya Sarit Gillman, senior; Lindsey Rae Gjording, junior; Leah Marie Gohring, junior; Seth Jacob Goldstein, junior; Kelsey Leigh Gordon, sophomore; Emily Anna Gray, senior; Misty Fawn Hance, senior; Christy Ruthanne Hansen, senior;

Maureen Edythe Hardman, junior; Nathan Patrick Harry, senior; Sarah Elizabeth Hart, senior; Hannah Marie, senior; Sarah L Herman, senior; Tess Elizabeth Hertzberg, freshman; Kevin Kin-Cheung Ho, freshman; Travis Jack Holdren, sophomore; Alan Hon, freshman; Timothy Hong, sophomore;

Noah Elliott Horwitz, sophomore; Shima Houshyar, sophomore; Christopher William Hoyt, senior; Christine Hsu, senior; Yena Hu, sophomore; Jean Kelly Huang, senior; Lina Huang, junior; Monica Yee-Ting Huang, junior;

Tina Huang, senior; Benedict Yuen-Fui Hui, senior; Cyrus Yuen-Tsun Hui, senior; Jonathan Edward Humphrey, sophomore; Sidney Jayne Hunt, freshman; Charles Douglas Idle, senior; Larisa Y Idlis, senior;

Anastasia Ivasenko, junior; Ashkaan Reza Jaberi, sophomore; Jeffrey Daniel Jacobs, senior; Mark Oscar Jacobson, freshman; Golnaz Jankhah, junior; Ursula Margaret Jennings, senior; Longfei Jiang, sophomore; Jessica Jeahae Kang, senior;

Ella Leonidovna, senior; Brian Edward Keever, freshman; Donovan Joseph Kerbaugh, senior; Fahimeh Khaleghi, senior; Sean Siamak Khorami, senior; Alisher Khussainov, senior; Eileen Sun Hee Kim, junior;

Joshua Kim, senior; Tae Kwang Kim, freshman; Matthew William Kinney, freshman; Christine Hee Koo, freshman; Andrea Rose Kravette, senior; Byron Peter Kwok, junior; Matthew H Lai, freshman; Laura Lynette Lange, senior;

Michael Leigh Larson, senior; Bo Young Lee, junior; Brian Hyunjong Lee, sophomore; Christopher Michael Lee, senior; David Pang Lee, senior; Jungkeun Lee, sophomore; Matthew Darryl Lee, sophomore; Sarah Lee, freshman; Loryn Ilana Lestz, junior; Kristine Leslie LeVeque, senior; Darren Neil Levin, freshman; Hsien Hua Li, freshman; Kristian Anders Lieberg, senior; George Lin, senior; Sharon Derie Lin, senior; Shih Yueh Lin, senior;

Hsin-Chen Liu, junior; Shieng Liu, senior; Laura Anne Loesch, senior; Brendan Rogers Lopez, freshman; Judy Cui-Ting Louie, senior; Catherine Y H Lu, sophomore; Stephanie Shina Lu, senior; Ho Ming Lui, senior; Greer Lundquist, senior; Linda Ma, senior; Melody Yiyiun Maa, senior; Lisa A MacHotka, junior; Alec James Fredrick, sophomore; Daniel Shun Him Mar, senior; Andrea Lynn Martin, senior; Michael Kenji Mathews, sophomore; Robert Naoki Mathews, senior; Hilary Karena Matson, senior; John Patrick McArdel, junior; Eric Douglas McCambridge, senior; Kevin Robert McDonald, senior; Ryan Edward McElroy, senior; Matthew James McGaffey, senior; Kimberly Michele McGurn, senior; Madeleine Frances McKenna, senior;

Natalie Helene Melin, sophomore; Daniel Wallace Miller, sophomore; Hikari Daniel Mizukami, freshman; Christina Michelle Monahan, freshman; Harald Frederick Moore, senior; Amy Lee Moretti, senior; James Stephen Morrissey, freshman; Shu Mu, junior; Yu Nakayama Tran, senior; Parhum Namdaran, senior; Peymon Namdaran, sophomore; Gordey Y Natalenko, freshman; Eric Dinh Nguyen, senior; Kylie-Van Huynh Nguyen, junior; Minh Tuong Nguyen, freshman; Nhi Quynh Nguyen, sophomore; Thanh-Nhan Cong Nguyen, sophomore; Tho Xuan Nguyen, junior; James Christopher Nichols, sophomore; Andrew Steven Nienow, junior; Ioana Ilinca Nitulescu, senior; Julia Hoa Nordsieck, senior; Megan Catherine Nordstrom, freshman; Xenia Alexandra Nosov, senior;

Alexander Kellum O’Connor, freshman; Andrew Thomas Oh, sophomore; Vladimir Nikolay Opal, sophomore; An-Chun Pai, senior; Diana Noel Pak, senior; Shokouh Pardakhtim, senior; Alexandra Rachel Peha, freshman; Krsevan Penzar, junior; Itzel Perez, senior; Sarah Jerbert Perez, senior; Ryan James Petrosky, senior; Juliette Marthe Marie, junior; Clyde James Pierce, senior; Laura Elizabeth Pierson, junior; Kanyarat Promlam, senior; Andrea Beth Raabe, senior; Anna Elizabeth Ramaley, senior; Lauren Richelle Rastetter, junior; Apurva Gottimukkala Reddy, freshman; Holly Lynne Regan, senior; Elisabeth Jane Reigel, senior; Rachel Elizabeth Renninger, freshman; Steven Vincent Responte, junior; Henry Dreyer Riely, sophomore; Christina Frances Rosenthal, senior; Montreux Bianca Rotholtz, senior; Parisa Sadrzadeh, freshman; Rebecca Ann Sager, sophomore;

Sarica Fleeta Sampson, junior; Daniel Ezra Schauffer, senior; Stephen James Schleh, senior; Joseph Talseth Schultz, senior; Andrew Louis Schwartz, sophomore; Aaron Kenneth Schwarz, senior; Erica Gwynne Sekins, senior; Elizabeth Suzanne Sherry, junior; Kelsey Sachiko Shimada, sophomore; Alisa V Shinkorenko, senior; Daniel Isaac Silbaugh, sophomore; Richard Michael Smidt, sophomore; Daniel Joseph Snowberger, sophomore; Candace Amberly Soohoo, junior; Jonathan Jr Spatacean, senior; Sam Jacob Speer, senior; Taylor Claire Sproed, sophomore; Vladimir V Starinskiy, junior; Maura Jon Steiner, junior; Corinne Evelyn Strandjord, senior; Amanda Huei-Ting Sun, senior; Jennifer Marit Sundt, junior; Feiya Suo, junior; Krystle Rose Sutin, freshman;

Kellen Daisuke Suyama, sophomore; Heather Mae Tadman, junior; Galen Yosuke Takamura, junior; Alex Garo Tanielian, senior; Colette Denise Tanner, senior; Erica Victoria Tartaglione, senior; Patrick Gene Taylor, senior; Evan Linton Thilo, senior; Jason Daniel Thompson, junior; Annie Miao Tian, junior; Dustin Michael Tilton, sophomore; Mari Elizabeth Tom, freshman; Daren Frederick Wong Toy, sophomore; Timothy Van Tran, junior; Lauren Tsai, freshman; Patrick Tsu-Pei Tsao, senior; Megan Claire Turner, senior;

Jesse Adam Unger, senior; Victor Alexander Velarde, senior; Karine A Veliyeva, senior; Michael Verlinsky, freshman; Rebekah Y Voeller, senior; Cassandra Stacy Waggoner, senior; Amy Marie Wagner, senior; Brian Stephan Wall, freshman; Edward J Wang, sophomore; Hao Wang, senior; Jonathan Hai-Wu Wang, senior; Kathy Y Wei, senior; Tso-Lin Louis Wei, senior; Benjamin Burton Wells, senior; Benjamin Bernard Werth, freshman; Vanessa Laree Wheeler, sophomore; Douglas Edward White, junior; Jesse Lee White, senior; Morgan Virginia Whitney, freshman; Colby Yoshito Wick, senior; Daniel Jordan Williams, senior; Katherine Carlisle Williams, senior; Santtu Antti Winter, senior; Alden William Witt, sophomore; Jacob M Wolf, senior;

Benjamin Wong, junior; Sandra Dee Wu, junior; Zhi Xu, senior; Linnea Shea Xuereb, sophomore; Grace Yang, junior; Katherine Teng Yang, senior; Leslie H Yeh, senior; Bauhinia Yeung, junior; Phyllis Ying, senior; Satomi Yokota, senior; Thomas Kun Yoo, sophomore; Devon Rae York, senior; Elizabeth Jo York, sophomore; Arthur Yu, sophomore; Vivian H Yu, sophomore; Michelle Mary Zorich, senior.