People who live, work or travel in the Bel-Red or Overlake areas, and especially residents of east Bellevue, may want to attend an upcoming open house today. The city is seeking input on possible transportation improvements in east Bellevue.
The open house is set for 5 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 17, at Bellevue City Hall, 450 110th Ave. N.E.
The city is conducting outreach while it considers updates to the Bel-Red Overlake Transportation Study, an interlocal agreement with Redmond that addresses transportation consequences of projected growth in the area that overlaps the two cities.
In recent weeks at small focus group meetings, people have commented about the challenges of getting around east Bellevue and shared ideas on how to manage traffic congestion. The open house today provides another chance to discuss the full range of transportation issues in that area.
Because of possible traffic impacts from a private utility project currently under construction near City Hall, the northbound lanes of 110th Avenue Northeast may be closed in front of the building. If that’s the case, open house organizers recommend approaching City Hall in the southbound lanes, which will remain open, from Northeast Eighth Street.
For more information about the transportation study (sometimes known by its acronym, BROTS) and to read about the issues identified and projects supported by the community so far, visit