Friday Morning Networking Breakfast: 8-9:30 a.m. Eastside Business Association networking activity. Courtyard by Marriott, 11215 NE 124TH St., Kirkland
German Group of Eastside Genealogical Society: 1-3 p.m. Research your German ancestors. Free. Bellevue LDS 1st Ward, 10675 NE 20th St., Bellevue
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Quiet study in meeting room. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Chaplins Bellevue Volkswagen Ice Arena: Opening times vary by day. Skate at the region’s largest open-air holiday ice skating experience. $10. NE First Street and 102nd Avenue NE, Bellevue.
Group Singing Classes: 9:30-11 a.m. Ages 9 and above. $25/class, first class is free. Contact Nancy Bos, lead instructor, for details about the class and how to prepare at info@studiobos.com. Bellevue Youth Theatre, 16661 Northup Way, Bellevue
Talk Time: 10 a.m. Improve your speaking and listening skills in this English conversation group. Bellevue Library program at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, 1717 Bellevue Way NE.
Singles 50 and over Coffee Social: 10-11:30 a.m. Coffee social to meet singles 50 and over with a variety of interests. Yearly dues under $50. VFW Hall, 4330 148TH Ave. NE, Redmond
Heart-warming Winter Soups: Noon to 1 p.m. Bastyr University’s Kelly Morrow will show how to create nutrient-packed, vitamin-rich soups using fresh, local ingredients and easy-to-grow vegetables, herbs and spices. Soups will be vegetarian, gluten and dairy. Free. Recipes provided. Molbak’s Garden + Home, 13625 NE 175th St., Woodinville
Mercer Slough Ranger Walk: 2-3:15 p.m. Tour and learn about Mercer Slough Nature Park with a park ranger. Dress for weather. Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center, 1625 118th Ave. SE, Bellevue.
Twelfthnight Feast: 6 p.m. Camlann Medieval Village, 10320 Kelly Road NE, Carnation.
Jewish Comedians in 1950s Hollywood: 2 p.m. SJCC Jewish Touch lecture series. SJCC Mercer Island campus, 3801 E Mercer Way, Mercer Island
Hula Dance classes: 4:45-5:45 p.m., Advanced; 6-7 p.m., Beginner/Intermediate. Issaquah Dance Theatre, 1575 NW Mall St., Issaquah
Toddler Story Time: 10:15 a.m. Agets 1-3 with adult, siblings welcome. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Preschool Story Time: 11:15 a.m. Songs and fun stories. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Talk Time: 1:30 p.m. Improve listening and speaking skill in English conversation group. Lake Hills Library, 15590 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue. 425-747-3350
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Quiet study in meeting room. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Room reserved for quiet study. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Opera Preview – La Cenerentola: 7 p.m. Rossini opera version of Cinderella fairy tale. Bellevue Library program at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, 1717 Bellevue Way NE.
Citizenship Preparation: 7 p.m. Learn how to become a US citizen. Bellevue Library program at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, 1717 Bellevue Way NE.
Eastside Chambers Coalition Legislative Breakfast: 7:30-9 a.m. $35. Hyatt Regency Bellevue, 900 Bellevue Way NE
It’s Never Too Late: 11 a.m. to noon. Talk about God’s perpetual goodness. Christian Science Reading Room, 1112 110th Ave. NE, Bellevue
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Quiet study in meeting room. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Room reserved for quiet study. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Are You Doing Too Much for Your Children?: 7:30 p.m. Learn ways to set limits on what is given & how to empower children by letting them do for themselves. Free. Youth Eastside Services Bellevue in Crossroads Park, 999 164th Ave. NE, Bellevue
Teen Zone Annex: 2 p.m. Hang out, study, play video games. Lake Hills Library, 15590 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue. 425-747-3350
Study Hall: 2 p.m. Quiet study in meeting room. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Room reserved for quiet study. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Reduce Parent – Child Struggles with Positive Discipline: 6:30-8:30 p.m. Four-part series. $90. Youth Eastside Services Bellevue in Crossroads Park, 999 164th Ave. NE, Bellevue. www.youtheastsideservices.org
Computer Class – Internet Level 1: 7 p.m. For adults. Learn how to browse the Internet. Prerequisite – ability to use the mouse. Registration required at www.kcls.org or 425-450-1765. Bellevue Library program at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, 1717 Bellevue Way NE.
Learn About eBooks: 7 p.m. Learn About eBooks: 7 p.m. Introduction to downloading from the library’s catalog of titles. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Book Discussion Group: 7 p.m. For adults. Lake Hills Library, 15590 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue. 425-747-3350
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Room reserved for quiet study. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Afternoon at the Movies: 3:30 p.m. Teen-friendly movie. Lake Hills Library, 15590 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue. 425-747-3350
Study Zone: 3 p.m. Homework help from trained volunteer tutors. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Bellevue Transportation Commission & Environmental Services Commission: 6:30-7:45 p.m., Bellevue City Hall Room 1E-108. A presentation on meeting protocols and public meeting/public records requirements by members of the Pacifica Law Group.
Alzheimer’s Caregiver Support Group: 6:30-8 p.m. Faith United Methodist Church, 3924 Issaquah-Pine Lake Road SE
Learn About eBooks: 7 p.m. Introduction to downloading from the library’s catalog of titles. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Volunteer Informational Meeting: 7 p.m. Ages 14+. Attending qualifies you for the chance to volunteer at the library. Registration required. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Talk Time: 7 p.m. Improve listening and speaking skill in English conversation group. Lake Hills Library, 15590 Lake Hills Blvd., Bellevue. 425-747-3350
Bellevue Transportation Commission: 7:45 p.m., City Hall Room 1E-120. Regular meeting
Bellevue Environmental Services Commission: 8 p.m., City Hall Room 1E-113. Regular Meeting.
Eastside Genealogical Society: 9 p.m. Redmond Public Library, 15990 NE 85th St.
Friday Morning Networking Breakfast: 8-9:30 a.m. Eastside Business Association networking activity. Courtyard by Marriott, 11215 NE 124TH St., Kirkland
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Quiet study in meeting room. Newport Way Library, 14250 S.E. Newport Way, Bellevue, 425-747-2390
Study Hall: 3 p.m. Room reserved for quiet study. Newcastle Library, 12901 Newcastle Way, Newcastle, 425-255-0111
Group Singing Classes: 9:30-11 a.m. Ages 9 and above. $25/class, first class is free. Contact Nancy Bos, lead instructor, for details about the class and how to prepare at info@studiobos.com. Bellevue Youth Theatre, 16661 Northup Way, Bellevue
Talk Time: 10 a.m. Improve listening and speaking skill in English conversation group. Bellevue Library program at First Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, 1717 Bellevue Way NE.
Singles 50 and over Coffee Social: 10-11:30 a.m. Coffee social to meet singles 50 and over with a variety of interests. Yearly dues under $50. VFW Hall, 4330 148TH Ave. NE, Redmond
Year-Round Benefits of Indoor Plants: Noon to 1 p.m. Which indoor plants detoxify the air, reduce stress and ease depression. Free. Molbak’s Garden + Home, 13625 NE 175th St., Woodinville
Employment Services for Persons with Hearing Loss: 1-3 p.m. Information for persons with disabilities who face substantial barriers in finding or keeping a job. Lake Sammamish Foursquare Church, 14434 NE Eithgh St., Bellevue
Dams: 2-2:30 p.m. Mercer Slough Hot Topic series. Learn about dams, fish passage, and a few projects that have sought to address some of the issues associated with dams. Best for ages 12+. Mercer Slough Environmental Education Center, 1625 118th Ave. SE, Bellevue
Eastside Contra Dance: 7:30-11 p.m. An evening of contra dances (social dance originally from New England) including a few circle and square dances. $8 adults, $4 students, first time free. Juanita Community Club, 13027 100TH Ave. NE, Kirkland