Working in collaboration with the city of Bellevue, two canvassers with Regional Animal Services of King County are going door-to-door in Bellevue to help ensure compliance with the city’s requirements that all cats and dogs that eight weeks and older be licensed.
The effort will run on weekends only through Oct. 27. It will occur in neighborhoods that were not canvassed in the prior 2010 effort. Canvassers can issue temporary licenses to unlicensed pets, which allow 30 days for the purchase of permanent tags.
“The city, county and neighborhoods are working hand-in-hand to ensure we are getting the best combination of animal welfare, community safety and economic value possible,” said Sheida Sahandy, of the Bellevue city manager’s office. “But to accomplish this, we need compliance with existing rules and regulations relating to pet safety and licensing.”
King County pet license canvassers are easily recognized by county name badges, logo shirts, business cards and pet licensing documents. They are trained, experienced and follow strict guidelines regarding professional conduct. They are sensitive to privacy concerns and do not, for example, peer in windows or over fences looking for pets.
Also, they do not engage in lengthy conversation with anyone answering the door who appears to be under 18 years of age. They do not enter homes and will avoid houses clearly posted as “No Trespassing” or “No Soliciting.”
Benefits of pet licensing include:
• Quickly and easily re-uniting owners and lost pets, including providing pets a free ride home;
• Saving animal lives by funding animal shelters and care;
• Responding to reports of dangerous or nuisance animals; and
• Investigations of animal cruelty or neglect.
The city contracts with King County for the provision of animal services, which include licensing, sheltering and field control services. The three-year contract expires Dec. 31, 2015.
Pet licenses are available at Bellevue City Hall or online at Any major concerns or issues should be directed to Sandy Jones, King County pet license canvassing coordinator at 206-205-6167 or