Eastside Audubon to join global work party

Eastside Audubon will join with Bill McKibbern and his 350.0rg web site, which is sponsoring worldwide activities to raise awareness about global warming.

Eastside Audubon will participate by undertaking a work party at Marymoor Park from 9 a.m. to noon Oct. 9.

Those wishing to participate should meet at the Meadow Kiosk (Parking Lot G) and help with the development of bird loops and native plantings in the park. They should bring gloves, water and a snack. A free parking pass will be provided.

The 350.org Web site is named after 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is the highest level at which the Earth’s temperature will remain stable. The site says the Earth already is at 397 ppm.