Eastside Republican Club to award scholarship

The Eastside Republican Club will award a $1,000 scholarship to the author of the best essay on the topic, “What is the best way to stop gun violence without infringing on the rights protected by the Second Amendment?”



The Eastside Republican Club will award a $1,000 scholarship to the author of the best essay on the topic, “What is the best way to stop gun violence without infringing on the rights protected by the Second Amendment?”

Essays should demonstrate the submitter’s knowledge of history and/or include personal experiences of the submitter, family, or friends.

Submitters must be enrolled as high school students graduating in 2013 or as freshmen or sophomores in an accredited college or university. Submitters must also either permanently reside in, or be attending a public, private, or home school located in, King County.

Essays must be submitted in Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX), plain text (TXT), or Portable Document Format (PDF) format, must not exceed 500 words in length, and must be in English.

Submissions must be received by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, April 22. Submissions must be emailed to scholarship@eastsiderepublicanclub.org and must include the following information about the submitter: full name, age, full residence address, telephone number, email address, school currently attending, and school planning to attend in fall 2013. The essay must be included either as an attachment to the email or in the body of the email. Only one essay will be accepted per submitter.

The winner of the scholarship will be notified on or about April 30. More information is available by emailing info@eastsiderepublicanclub.org.