The Bellevue School District will offer a summer feeding program for free breakfast and lunch to children ages 1 through 18. Meals will be provided at the sites and times as follows:
Lake Hills Elementary School, 14310 SE 12th St. Meals will be served Monday through Friday from July 8 to Aug. 9. Breakfast, 7-8 a.m.; lunch, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Stevenson Elementary School, 14220 NE Eighth St. Meals will be served Monday through Friday from June 24 to Aug. 23. No meal service on Thursday, July 4. Breakfast, 7:30-8:30 a.m.; lunch, 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Salvation Army, 919 164th Ave. NE. Lunch only will be served on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays from July 8 to Aug. 16 from 1-2 p.m.