Honor civic duty by voting

Bellevue Reporter editor Craig Groshart is right that voting is a gift not to waste, both for naturalized and birthright citizens. Especially this year, with the presidential candidates offering starkly contrasting visions for the future of America, our decision will have a profound and long-lasting impact.

Bellevue Reporter editor Craig Groshart is right that voting is a gift not to waste, both for naturalized and birthright citizens. Especially this year, with the presidential candidates offering starkly contrasting visions for the future of America, our decision will have a profound and long-lasting impact.

Those born abroad who have become American by choice represent a crucial part of our national identity. Indeed, they represent the American Dream itself — the idea that anyone, regardless of their circumstances, can create a better life for themselves through hard work and sacrifice. Many of these people are strivers and risk-takers, and they help make America great.

We have already seen how immigration is changing the political calculus. The wooing of Hispanic voters—an important and growing voting bloc — by both Republicans and Democrats is an example. Both parties must appeal to as much of the electorate as possible to remain competitive in the years ahead. Pandering to nativist sentiments is a losing strategy over the long-term.

Regardless of whether one’s family has been here for two years or two hundred years, it is extremely important for all of us to honor our civic duty and vote. Nothing less than the direction of our country is at stake.

Alex Jeffers, Bellevue