Members sought for Network on Aging

The city of Bellevue is recruiting members for the Bellevue Network on Aging, a panel that advises the Parks and Community Services Department on issues regarding older residents. The Network on Aging promotes awareness of needs and resources that support older adults.

Several seats are open on the board, which can have nine to 15 members.

Members serve two-year terms, and are expected to devote six to 12 hours per month to the Network. Members must live or work in Bellevue, or serve older adults in Bellevue, and more than half of the group must be over 50 years of age.

Applications are due Oct. 2 and are available by contacting Bellevue Aging Services at the North Bellevue Community Center, at 4063 148th Ave. NE or by phone at 425-452-7681. Applications and more information can also be found at

For more information, contact Cathy VonWald (425) 452-7681 or