More news from Medina 100 years ago

As with the last selections from the Medina Booster, these excerpts come from the May 8, 1909 issue, as reprinted in the Lake Washington Reflector 15 years later. The Eastside Heritage Center would be most interested if any readers are aware of surviving copies of the Medina Booster or know the modern name of “Lakeside Ave.”

“J. E. Gastine has been having extensive repairs done to his dock.”

“The editors do not think it necessary to print the boat schedule in the paper owing to the fact that the boat service is such that any time a person wants to go to Seattle all they have to do is to sit on the dock and whistle and the boat will come for them.”

“Mr. Leedham has his new cistern and pump house nearly completed.”

“A mass meeting will be held on the public wharf Monday, May 10, for the purpose of deciding what is to be done with cows found running loose within the city limits. The agitators of the meeting are several indignant citizens who have been annoyed by the bells. Everyone interested be present at 5:30 p.m.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Oles have moved into their new cottage on Lakeside Ave.”

“Dirt hauling and excavating done by contract. G. Tinker.”

Heritage Corner is a weekly feature in the Bellevue Reporter. Material is provided by the Eastside Heritage Center. For more information call 425.450.1049.