District spans from Bellevue and south Seattle down through Renton, Tukwila, Kent, Federal Way and Tacoma.
The DSHS benefits program assists school-aged children facing food insecurity.
Highway will be fully closed between Issaquah-Hobart Road and the Interstate 90/SR 18 interchange.
A new podcast for King County residents
The three-digit calling code goes live July 16.
The community meeting will be held via Zoom on July 26 at 6:30 p.m.
Sheriff Patti Cole-Tindall will begin implementing new changes to the agency in September.
According to Chief Wendell Shirley, Bellevue is seeing a rise in property crime of about 22%.
The defendant’s arraignment is scheduled for July 21.
The event will take place on July 31-31 and will be located between 106th Ave NE & NE 6th St.
According to the CDC, 15% of rape assaults across the nation result in pregnancy.
She is the first woman to hold the position in Washington state.
Rep. Robert Sutherland and five colleagues fought a requirement barring access to the House floor unless vaccinated
State has been allotted 398 courses of the 2-dose JYNNEOS monkeypox vaccine.
Episode 6 in this special podcast series that explores Jeffrey Nelson’s history of violent interactions with community members prior to the killing of Jesse Sarey.
Developers are touting the projects’s close proximity to public transit and interstate highways.
Officials estimate $440 million is spent removing clogs caused by improperly flushed products yearly
The goal of the new website is to help strengthen trust between the department and the community.
A new podcast for King County residents
Last year fireworks caused $122,000 in damage.