Sheldon, an American Eskimo mix, is a very affectionate dog who loves to have his chest rubbed. Sheldon has a gorgeous white coat that will require regular brushing to stay looking good.
He’s been neutered and vaccinated by the vets at the Seattle Humane Society, and now he’s staying in a comfy dog kennel where volunteers visit him daily. But he’d much rather be in a home of his own.
If you are looking for a four-legged friend to open your heart and home to, consider Sheldon at the Seattle Humane Society, located at the junction of I-405 and I-90.
The Bellevue Reporter publishes a pet for adoption each Wednesday and Saturday. Wednesday features pets from the King County facility in Crossroads. Saturday features pets from the Seattle Humane Society, located at the junction of I-405 and I-90. ”