Y = Yes, N = No, E = Excused, NV = Not Voting
SB 5107: Addressing renewable resource projects within energy overlay zones
SB 5107, passed the Senate by a vote of 46 to 0, revises judicial standards for granting relief under the Land Use Petition Act. SB 5107 presumes that a land use decision that establishes a renewable resource project in an energy overlay zone is reasonable when a project meets the standards and requirements for the specified zoning. Energy overlay zones are formal plans enacted by counties which establish suitable areas for sighting renewable resource projects based on currently available resources and existing infrastructure with sensitivity to adverse environmental impacts. SB 5107 is now before the House Technology, Energy and Communications Committee.
41st District
Sen. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island), Y
48th District
Sen. Rodney Tom, (D-Medina), Y
SSB 5616: Connecting business expansions and recruitment to customized training
SSB 5615, passed the Senate by a vote of 46 to 0, allows participants in the Washington customized training program to delay payments into the employment training finance accounts for 2009 and 2010. SSB 5616 would require employers to make efforts to hire trainees from the Job Skills Program, but removes the requirement that employers hire a minimum of 75 percent of trainees from the program. In addition training institutions would be required to make efforts to develop training programs using trainers preferred by participants. SSB 5616 is now before the House Higher Education Committee.
41st District
Sen. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island), Y
48th District
Sen. Rodney Tom, (D-Medina), Y
HB 1066 – Regarding special elections for changing the form of government of a non-charter code city
HB 1066, which passed the Senate by a vote of 41 to 6, authorizes an optional municipal code city to hold a special election for the purpose of changing its form of government. HB 1066 would allow a code city to change their form of government through a special election held prior to the next general election when the change is initiated either through a voter petition or by the decision of a city council. HB 1066 previously passed the House by a vote of 95 to 2.
41st District
Sen. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island), Y
48th District
Sen. Rodney Tom, (D-Medina), Y
41st District
Rep. Judy Clibborn, (D-Mercer Island), Y; Rep. Marcie Maxwell, (D-Renton), Y
48th District
Rep. Deborah Eddy, (D-Kirkland), Y; Rep. Ross Hunter, (D-Medina), Y
HB 1113 – Financing the school construction assistance grant program
HB 1113, passed the Senate by a vote of 47 to 0, authorizes the sale of general obligation bonds in the sum of $130 million for the financing of the School Construction Assistance Grant Program. The Grant Program provides funding for limited facility planning and matching funds for school construction and renovations. HB 1113 previously passed the House by a vote of 97 to 0. The Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction provides oversight on the funds in the Assistance Grant Program.
41st District
Sen. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island), Y
48th District
Sen. Rodney Tom, (D-Medina), Y
41st District
Rep. Judy Clibborn, (D-Mercer Island), Y; Rep. Marcie Maxwell, (D-Renton), Y
48th District
Rep. Deborah Eddy, (D-Kirkland), Y; Rep. Ross Hunter, (D-Medina), Y
ESHB 1906 – Expanding the unemployment benefit compensation and training program
ESHB 1906, passed the Senate by a vote of 43 to 4, increases the payable unemployment benefits by $45 per week and raises the minimum weekly unemployment benefit to $155. In addition, ESHB 1906 expands eligibility for the training benefits program for persons that are disabled, honorably discharged from the military and low-wage workers. Other changes made by ESHB 1906 include eliminating restrictions to the shared work program, such as the limit on the number of weeks that an employee may receive benefits. The $45 weekly increase and training benefits will not count as part of the experience rating accounts for employers. ESHB 1906 previously passed the House by a vote of 91 to 2.
41st District
Sen. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island), Y
48th District
Sen. Rodney Tom, (D-Medina), Y
SSB 5899 – Business and Occupation tax credit for qualified businesses
SSB 5899 would provide businesses with ten employees or less a credit against the business and occupation tax for the creation of new employment positions for which the business offers a health care plan. The credits are based on the amount of wages paid to the employee as follows: a $2,000 credit for employment positions with wages and benefits between 150 percent of minimum wage and $40,000; and a $4,000 credit for employment positions with wages and benefits over $40,000. Businesses claiming other job creation credits cannot claim this new credit as well. In addition the tax credit is capped at $5,000,000 per year. The Senate passed SSB 5899 by a vote of 46 to 0.
41st District
Sen. Fred Jarrett, (D-Mercer Island), Y
48th District
Sen. Rodney Tom, (D-Medina), Y
SOURCE: WashingtonVotes.org, a free, non-partisan website to find plain-English explanations of bills and a record of each legislator’s votes.